zune software
zune software


Zune for Windows

IfyouownaZune,itisworthyouinstallZuneSoftwareandpowerupourtinybutpowerfuldevice.Zuneistheportablemultimediaplayerdesignedby ...

** 本站引用參考文章部分資訊,基於少量部分引用原則,為了避免造成過多外部連結,保留參考來源資訊而不直接連結,也請見諒 **

Hi, does anyone know where you can safely download the ...

2022年3月9日 — Hi, does anyone know where you can safely download the Zune software? I don't have the installation disc, thanks.

I know it's old... but where is the Zune software download?

2019年10月11日 — Hi StephanieLehnert, Unfortunately, Microsoft no longer makes the Zune software available with all Zune services closing down several years ago.

Install Zune software Win10

2020年6月14日 — Hello, I had the software on my previous computer. Now on my new Surface X64 with Win10 I am unable to install the software.

Zune for Windows

If you own a Zune, it is worth you install Zune Software and power up our tiny but powerful device. Zune is the portable multimedia player designed by ...

Zune software

Zune is a discontinued software program that was developed by Microsoft for Windows that functions as a full media player, library, media streaming server, ...

Zune Software Download [Window 10] Guide

2022年10月31日 — Zune Software allows to enjoy Zune Marketplace content on their PC as well as load media content to Zune capable devices Zune Software is ...


Zune軟體是一款已停用的微軟Windows媒體管理應用程序,可充當媒體播放器和媒體流服務器,也能用於與Zune、微軟Kin和Windows Phone 7的設備同步。



【開箱】HTC TITAN X310e。Windows Phone新體驗

【開箱】HTC TITAN X310e。Windows Phone新體驗
